Tag: programmatic advertising

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Advanced Strategies for Running Paid Ads in the Cryptocurrency Market in 2024

The cryptocurrency market continues to grow at an unprecedented rate, with new digital assets and platforms emerging regularly. As the industry becomes more saturated, standing out through effective advertising is crucial. Paid advertising remains a powerful tool for reaching target audiences quickly and efficiently. This follow-up article explores advanced strategies and considerations for running paid […]

Crypto Ads

How to Run Paid Ads for Cryptocurrency

If you have started your own cryptocurrency business, then chances are you are realising just how much competition there is out there. As such, it is important that you know exactly how you can market your business so that you appeal to as broad an audience as possible. There are a number of different forms […]

the future

Is Programmatic the Future of Podcast Advertising

Given how popular podcasts have become recently, it is no surprise that businesses have attempted to capitalise on that by inserting ads within different podcast episodes. Of course, as is the case with any form of advertising, there is an ongoing discussion surrounding what is the most efficient way to do it.  There is currently […]

audience targeting

What Can Programmatic Learn From Its Past Mistakes

They often say that hindsight is 20 – 20. Many often spend their time looking back at memories and realising they were doing something wrong or could have been doing it better. This very much applies to the programmatic industry. As such it only seems appropriate to have a look back at such a market […]