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How to create an effective digital marketing strategy for your fintech business

With so many players in the fintech field, it can be challenging for companies to stand out from the crowd. An effective digital marketing strategy is an absolute must for growing your fintech brand.  But with the digital marketing scene constantly evolving and changing, it’s hard to know where to begin. We’ve put together our […]

weetabix and beans

Weetabix and beans horror

By now, you must have seen the joy (or horror) that Weetabix put out on their Twitter account on 9th of Feb 2021. Baked beans on two Weetabix for breakfast! Now I’m a fan of both, but together?! No no no!  I’m not a social genius like a lot of people out there so couldn’t […]

5 Best Fintech Marketing campaigns

The 5 best fintech marketing campaigns of 2020

Financial technology (more commonly known as fintech) companies are rapidly growing and continuing to push the boundaries of financial services and technology. Fintech companies face a number of obstacles with their digital marketing, however, if they learn how to overcome them then there are a multitude of opportunities to create innovative and pioneering marketing campaigns. […]

marketing trends 2021

The top five digital marketing trends of 2021 you need to know and adopt

Digital marketing evolved tremendously in 2020, with forced lockdowns and a huge shift toward the online world meaning that virtual platforms and campaign redesigns became the focus for many businesses. Read on to see our predictions for the top five digital marketing trends of 2021 that you should know about and implement into your businesses […]