Author: Zeeshan Mallick

canary wharf

How Has COVID Changed the Digital Landscape for Financial Companies?

In June, there was a virtual meeting held by the Bank Governance Leadership Network in order to discuss the response to the coronavirus pandemic from banks and other financial companies. The discussion focused on three main points:  The new risks that emerge with digital transformation  The fact the persistent uncertainty continues to be a challenge […]

facebook ads

How to Master Facebook Ads for Your Companies Marketing

Facebook is one of the most frequently visited sites on the internet. As such, it’s no surprise that so many different organisations are using it as a means to promote their business. In light of this, Facebook advertising is one of the most important means of advertising as it’s a great way to engage with […]

good news

Newsletter Ideas That Will Encourage Engagement

What are the most effective ways to acquire new customers for your business? Facebook? Twitter? Instagram? Yeah, they’re all good; however, you may be surprised to hear that email is 40x more effective than social media when it comes to acquiring new customers. You also won’t come across as many of the constant algorithm updates […]

whatsapp on phone

How to use WhatsApp Once View

WhatsApp is one of the most used chat apps in the world.  Yes, there are issues with it but thankfully WhatsApp are always looking for ways to make their platform that much better. Now, you can send a photo or video that will disappear on WhatsApp after the recipient has opened it and exited the […]