Tag: fintech lead generation

fintech businesses

A Roundup of UK Fintech Businesses That Are Making Waves in the Industry

It used to be the case that money made the world go round. Whilst this is still certainly true, it is not the only factor that plays a part in our world’s progression anymore, as it is now joined by technology. As such, it is no surprise that there are a large number of financial […]

the future

Is Programmatic the Future of Podcast Advertising

Given how popular podcasts have become recently, it is no surprise that businesses have attempted to capitalise on that by inserting ads within different podcast episodes. Of course, as is the case with any form of advertising, there is an ongoing discussion surrounding what is the most efficient way to do it.  There is currently […]

fintech marketing strategies

Digital Marketing Strategies in the Fintech World

The fintech world is one of the most fascinating industries in the world, with the foremost financial tech companies vying to be at the top. For them to reach that, they still need to try and do digital marketing like the rest of us. SEO for fintech is much like what the rest of us […]

lead generation

The Complete Guide to Google Ads Lead Forms Extensions

Google Ads ‘lead form extensions’ can be an incredibly powerful tool when it comes to incorporating your search, display, YouTube and discovery campaigns. This is something that a lot of businesses should be using frequently as it is no secret that the activity of mobile users has surpassed that of desktop users in a range […]