Category: Social Good

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YouYaa Recognized as One of the Most Reviewed Global App-Marketing Agencies

For years, YouYaa has been a trusted marketing partner to many businesses. We take pride in having the ability to lead our clients toward efficient growth through effective digital solutions. Today, we’re proud to announce that we’ve been highlighted as one of the most reviewed app marketing companies during The Manifest’s Global Awards 2021. Our […]

Is tech changing the world for the better? are a number of starts ups across the world that are using technology for social good. The potential of the technological revolution to help us all lead better and more fulfilling lives is incredible. All too often we hear about technology being used in a bad way, for negative purposes. You’ve probably read articles […]

How is fintech changing financial inclusion?

Find out how fintech is making the world a better place, Zeeshan Mallick, CEO of YouYaa Ltd, gives his thoughts.

Technology isn’t bad, or good?

These days there is a lot of talk about how technology is posing a huge threat to our safety and security. From weaponised drones to large-scale hacking, the fabric of society is at risk of a technological meltdown. It can be very scary reading about it in the papers, but in reality, technology has been…

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