Zeeshan Mallick Crypto Marketing, Cryptocurrency News, Digital Marketing, Lead Generation, Programmatic Advertising
Can you still do paid ICO advertising?
Paid ICO advertising? In a word, yes! If you’re in the world of cryptocurrencies, then you will have heard of ICO’s and possibly looking to run an ICO in the near future. If so, then how can you advertise it to your target market? Facebook, Twitter and Google have all banned paid adverting on their network and any networks connected to them. So what do you do?

You have the organic methods of social media postings, network marketing, above the line, word of mouth and content syndication, however, what if you could still advertise your ICO using targeted messages to individuals that match your consumer/client profile?
Enter the world of YouYaa programmatic marketing, a platform that will allow you to target millions of users that are interested in token sales, ICO’s, blockchain projects, business, investment opportunities and basically anything else that you wish. Layer on top the geographical targeting capabilities with a bid model for advertising space across the world wide web and you have an extremely powerful and simple advertising platform.
The beauty of the YouYaa programmatic platform is it sits outside of Google, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and any other social media platform so all the data that is created is actually yours to own as the advertiser.
If you want to find out more, then send us an email and we will be happy to discuss it further with you.