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Technology isn’t bad, or good?

These days there is a lot of talk about how technology is posing a huge threat to our safety and security. From weaponised drones to large-scale hacking, the fabric of society is at risk of a technological meltdown. It can be very scary reading about it in the papers, but in reality, technology has been…

The truth about blockchain technology

In this modern computer age, contracts, transactions and their associated records underpin the way the world works. These are the building blocks of our economy, our political systems and the way the legal world operates. These are the things that keep our society running the way it is supposed to, they preserve our identity and…

Blockchain developers in hot demand?

Blockchain has moved into the spotlight as one of as the hottest job skill in the freelance market. The sector has grown more than 6,000% since this time last year and it could become the new ‘cloud’ in the coming years. Developers with Blockchain skills are fast becoming the hottest property in the marketplace according…

Cryptocurrency news

New payments developments Having made the headlines in 2017 and become a household term, what does the future have in store for cryptocurrencies? 2018 was supposed to be the year of the cryptocurrency and yet it is still very difficult to pay for goods and services using them, even though millions of people around the…