AR vs VR: Which Is Going to be The Winner?

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AR vs VR: Which Is Going to be The Winner?

Technology is constantly evolving, and with it, so are the ways it can be used in personal and professional settings. Two technologies starting to be used much more frequently are Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). As you may have guessed, these are reality-based technologies that can enhance your existing or completely replace your environment. Throughout this article, we will discuss in more detail what AR and VR are, their differences and how they are both likely to be used in the future.


The Difference Between the Two

The two phrases get thrown around a fair amount and are experiencing fast growth as a result. This is partly because the need for them has increased, and how they can operate has also improved. That being said, despite the sudden spike in popularity, it is worth noting that they are not exactly new technologies. VR has created a certain buzz in the gaming world, while AR is breaking new ground within different enterprises. They both continue to have space for growth and are still developing.


Augmented Reality

Let’s start with augmented reality. This takes your current surroundings and adds digital elements to them, usually using a camera or a smartphone. It doesn’t completely replace the surroundings around –  just enhances them.

Pokemon Go is one of the best examples of augmented reality in recent years. This allowed players to walk around the regular world to locate different Pokemon characters that would appear in their local surroundings. The player would then need to play the game to capture that Pokemon. The game was a seamless blend of the digital world into the physical one as it massively affected how an individual perceived and interacted with their environment.

There are several ways that AR can be used in the everyday world, one of the most common of which is with training, education, inspections and audits. The world of healthcare has also started to use AR recently, but there must be a lot of risk assessment before it is used in regular practice.


Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality is slightly different as it is a completely simulated experience, where you will be transported to a completely digital world rather than just have additions made to your existing one. There are a few ways to achieve this: plastic holders can be attached to phones, but more often than not, people prefer to use a head-mounted display. The implementation of virtual reality is already starting to completely revolutionise the entertainment and gaming sectors as they make much sought-after escapism easier to come by. Virtual reality is also getting used quite a lot in the world of education. Businesses also frequent it as it allows companies to hold a completely virtual meeting.

The rise in popularity comes thanks to how it can be applied to situations but also because it is much more accessible these days. For instance, the VR headset used to have to be attached to some kind of device, but instead, it can now be used as a completely stand-alone piece of equipment.


The Difference

Despite having quite similar designs, virtual reality and augmented reality set out to achieve different things; therefore, it’s unlikely one will dominate in popularity over the other. Where VR completely replaces our vision, AR instead just adds to it. The main differences all boil down to the devices you will use and the experience itself:

  • AR uses the real world and builds on the setting of the real world, whereas VR offers users a completely virtual experience.
  • AR users can take control over and affect their presence within the real world, but VR users are controlled by the system that they are within.
  • VR users need a headset or the correct equipment, whereas AR can be activated with a smartphone or tablet.
  • AR enhances the real and virtual worlds, but VR pushes a fictional setting.

Both forms of technology are very powerful and will undoubtedly have a significant impact on our lives moving forward. They are already used frequently in the real world, and their applications are becoming quite clear when you consider the different ways they are used.


Examples of How AR and VR are Being Used

Many industries have already begun using both AR and VR for different reasons; these include the likes of gaming, entertainment, education, healthcare, logistics and real estate (among others). Examples of applications include:

  • Nike: Nike are using AR and VR in their physical stores. They can use AR by scanning different products; people can find more information about it, such as material and sizes available. On the other hand, they can also use VR to enter a digital world that shows how products are made.
  • Ikea: Ikea has designed The Place App, which enables shoppers to use AR to place furniture within their homes, helping them visualise it in the process.
  • Multiple Gaming Apps: Many gaming apps use VR as it allows for a much more immersive and exciting experience.


Should Your Business Be Using AR or VR?

When you see the above examples of how so many different businesses use AR and VR, it’s only natural to begin questioning whether your organisation should use them. The truth is there are several ways your business can use AR and VR, whether in sales or marketing. Reach out to marketing companies such as YouYaa for more advice and information. If you require any further information or have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch.

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