Tag: web3


How to Market Your Web3 Business During the Festive Period

One of the biggest trends within the world of technology is decentralisation. Since crypto was originally founded in the noughties, it has grown rapidly in popularity which has led to the development of a number of other more private forms of technology. This can be seen in the increasing amount of cryptocurrency, the common use […]


Web3 – The Story So Far and Predictions for the Near and Far Future

Web3. It’s a term that is being passed around a lot when you begin to ask questions about the future of the internet, but what actually is Web3, and what effect will it have on the future of the internet? Webvolution: How the Web Has Evolved Over Time Since it was initially created, the web […]


Why Everyone Has an Opinion on Web3 and What We Think

The minute you decide to look into Web3, you will be overcome by a huge range of different opinions, each of which seems more set in their ways than the last. Just look it up, and you’re going to see:  “Web3 is nothing but a scam.”  “Web3 is a world-changing piece of technology and a […]