web3 the future of finance

Web3 And The Future Of The Finance Industry

Web3 is a collection of libraries and protocols that enable individuals and organizations to build decentralized applications (dApps) on the internet. It is the third generation of web technology, building on the foundations of the World Wide Web (Web 1.0) and the creation of dynamic web pages (Web 2.0). Web3 applications are decentralized, meaning that […]

corporate tax rates

Zero Corporation Tax Rate Countries Forecast 2023

Corporate tax rates are not static, they do change based on a lot of different factors such as the political and economical climate and the policies that the government is implementing and in 2023 quite a few countries are changing their corporate tax structure. Picking a country to set up your company is not a […]

finance marketing

Organic vs Paid Marketing for Financial Companies

The financial services sector is a vast and diverse industry, and with an ever-growing number of fintech companies looking to take on the mainstream lenders, there’s plenty of competition. Whether you’re lending to individuals, established businesses or entrepreneurial start-ups, your services are not going to sell themselves. Marketing is an essential part of any finance […]

Cryptocurrency rallies…again

If you’ve been following the financial news in the last few weeks, then you have probably seen that some cryptocurrencies have been devalued. This has led to some speculators predicting that this is the beginning of the much-vaunted end for the cryptocurrency. Ether has lost about 70% of its value this year, with around 50%…