Category: Finance/Fintech Digital Marketing

woman using mobile phone

All You Need to Know About New Commission-Free Investing App Dodl

It was announced very recently that AJ Bell would be launching a new investment app that is entirely commission-free. The reasoning behind the creation of such an app is to try and attract younger people who might want to get involved in investing but aren’t too sure where they should start.  Of course, to stay […]


5 FinTech Focused Products to Download Now

Two major sectors that continue to dominate our lives include that of finance and technology. Both industries seem to evolve in unison because as technology develops, so too do the ways it can be implemented to improve people’s finances as well. As such, one market that has continually seen a huge surge in popularity in […]

fintech businesses

A Roundup of UK Fintech Businesses That Are Making Waves in the Industry

It used to be the case that money made the world go round. Whilst this is still certainly true, it is not the only factor that plays a part in our world’s progression anymore, as it is now joined by technology. As such, it is no surprise that there are a large number of financial […]

Fintech SEO

How to Acquire Customers for Your Fintech Company using SEO?

1) Create Fresh Content Fintech, born in wedlock between the Finance sector and Technology, is relatively a new kid in the block. And just like any other kid, Fintech is constantly evolving.  Fintech’s primary target audience is millennials. It is not a secret that millennials rely on technologies more than any generation for information. Hence, […]