Category: Crypto Marketing

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A Brief History of Cryptocurrency

It is probably quite safe to assume that by this point you have heard of cryptocurrency. What was first turning heads because it sounded like something out of a science fiction novel, now turns heads due to the fact it can be incredibly profitable for people and is very popular all over the world. Despite […]

YouYaa Recognized as One of the Most Reviewed Global App-Marketing Agencies

For years, YouYaa has been a trusted marketing partner to many businesses. We take pride in having the ability to lead our clients toward efficient growth through effective digital solutions. Today, we’re proud to announce that we’ve been highlighted as one of the most reviewed app marketing companies during The Manifest’s Global Awards 2021. Our […]


Will PayPal’s Adoption of Bitcoin Make Cryptocurrency More Mainstream?

PayPal is already an incredibly popular platform that people all over the world are using as a means to make online payments. Its popularity is reflected in its numbers as currently, after two decades of operation, it manages a total of 403 million user accounts. As such, there were naturally a lot of ripples that […]

crypto currencies

These Are the Countries Where Crypto is Restricted or Illegal

Ever since Bitcoin was originally introduced in 2009, it has been controversial to say the very least. This is even more so the case as it has paved the way for another number of cryptocurrencies to follow in its wake. One of the main criticisms for bitcoin is the fact it is quite volatile, its […]