YouYaa Case Studies

benefits of online marketing

What Are the Benefits of Online Marketing?

Since humans learned how to trade and begin selling products for a profit, there has been some level of marketing. Marketing can be found all around us and is important when connecting organisations with a specific audience at both the right place and the right time. There are, of course, traditional forms of marketing, which […]

SEO for small businesses

6 SEO Mistakes That Small Businesses Make (and how to fix them)

SEO can be an effective marketing tool for businesses, but it is also difficult to get right, especially for SMEs, as they have a much steeper climb. Building a presence for yourself online is a tough challenge, arguably one of the biggest challenges you will face as a business, especially if you only have limited […]


Microsoft and Open AI Launch a New Way to Search

Open AI created ChatGPT, the AI system that can write amazingly accurate and human-like content.  Microsoft saw the benefits and invested $10 billion and then had access to one of the most powerful technologies of 2023. Microsoft and Open AI, what do they do? Microsoft and OpenAI are two companies at the forefront of technology […]

microsoft ads

The benefits of running ads on Microsoft Ads

Advertising is a crucial aspect of business and marketing, and with the rise of digital advertising, companies now have access to a wider audience and a more cost-effective way of reaching them. Microsoft Ads, formerly known as Bing Ads, is a pay-per-click advertising platform that allows businesses to reach a massive audience through various channels […]