Author: Zeeshan Mallick

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The Best PR Strategies of 2022

The end of the year is upon us, and it has been particularly interesting for businesses. How organisations can effectively market and promote themselves constantly changes; 2022 has been no different. Change is inevitable in every aspect of life, particularly in business, so launching effective PR strategies has never been more challenging. This is especially […]

corporate tax rates

Zero Corporation Tax Rate Countries Forecast 2023

Corporate tax rates are not static, they do change based on a lot of different factors such as the political and economical climate and the policies that the government is implementing and in 2023 quite a few countries are changing their corporate tax structure. Picking a country to set up your company is not a […]

How to Market Your eSports Platform During the Festive Period

People tend to be divided around this time of year; some see the Christmas lights go up and the festive adverts hit the telly and are overcome with joy. On the other hand, you get a lot of people who go into full Grinch mode, grunting at every mention of the holidays and simply waiting […]


How to Market Your Web3 Business During the Festive Period

One of the biggest trends within the world of technology is decentralisation. Since crypto was originally founded in the noughties, it has grown rapidly in popularity which has led to the development of a number of other more private forms of technology. This can be seen in the increasing amount of cryptocurrency, the common use […]