Category: Crypto Marketing

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GDPR for Small Business: A Beginner’s Guide

If you’re a business owner, then you’ve probably been hearing a lot about GDPR. What is GDPR? Is my business affected by GDPR? How do I become compliant with GDPR? These are all valid questions, and we will provide answers to them all. We will discuss what GDPR is, who it affects, and how you […]

What is Web3

What is Web3 Used For?

What is Web3? This is a question that seems to be on a lot of people’s minds as it continues to get mentioned and mentioned in different ways across the internet. There are people who describe it as the new way forward; some deem it a fallacy that will never take off, and then others […]

How to Get the Most from Your Crypto

How to Get the Most from Your Crypto

There are a number of different industries and markets out there that didn’t exist a couple of decades ago. One of the most obvious and seemingly profitable has to be that of crypto. The popularity of Bitcoin and Ethereum has seen a huge rise, and as such, there are a number of people out there […]

What is an IGO

What is an Initial Game Offering and How to Launch One People Want?

There are different and innovative approaches towards aspects of business, development and growth that people continue to embrace in the modern world. One of these that can be seen predominantly within the world of gaming is an Initial Game Offering (IGO). An IGO is an approach to video games that centres around crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is […]