- Category :Facebook Ads
- Date : September, 2019
- Client :Samsung MENA

Project Brief:
With increased competition from Apple and other Android handset manufacturers, Samsung MENA was looking to increase its market share in the mobile phone market through targeted ads using Search Ads, Social Ads and Programmatic Advertising.
Two agencies were chosen and YouYaa was selected to run Social Ads due to their track record in providing high levels of ROI in high price products.
An initial 6-month time frame was proposed to increase sales and ROI on Samsung’s top-end mobile phones targeted to business users in the MENA region.
Step 01
Gather all information
The target market was defined, the product sets were selected, the ads were designed and a full analytics setup was designed to link in with Samsungs advanced data collection systems with a full feedback loop to ensure extremely high levels of accuracy in consumer data collection.
Total time used = 2 weeks

Step 02
Find Solution & Solve it
Extensive market research to ensure a complete understanding of the target markets needs and how Samsung products solve their requirements.
A full social media audit was conducted and was cross-referenced with Samsungs inhouse data to find high, medium and low priority target sets.
Using this, 9 different ad themes were created to ensure high relevancy and emotional attractiveness.
Total time used = 1 week
Step 03
Finally Get the Result
The campaign featured multiple videos that highlighted the products design, camera, and long battery life.
One video was released each month and all of them were targeted to men and women in the MENA region.
In the fourth month of the campaign, a more traditional video and photo ads about the product were released. These ads were specifically targeted to people who’d engaged with the videos and their lookalike audiences.
Results: Samsung received over 500% ROI and a 17% increase in new business users.